A famous musician friend once said to me, “Peter, it does not matter what work you do as long as you add value.” At the time, I was decades into my now former finance career and I recall quickly thinking to myself, “Yeah, I check that box,” giving it no further thought. That is, until I decided to end that career and begin anew with the launch of Sherpa of Souls (SOS). Similarly, a long-time business colleague once shared another key insight with me: the importance of each business having “one simple thing” to define its brand and guide its marketing communications.
The SOS one simple thing is Connection.
This underpins our value proposition as well, which is:
“SOS helps its clients connect with nature, community, self-care and reflection, physicality, a clear and intuitive mind and their authentic selves to promote positive change in their lives. “
While these are still early days, we were thrilled to receive validation from our clients on a recent retreat, confirming we are delivering on that value proposition and one simple thing.
Here’s what one participant said:
“I began the retreat feeling burned out and tired, and by the end, I felt a renewed sense of clarity and peace. It was absolutely the refresh I needed to reconnect with myself”
In a recent, multi-day backcountry travel experience, not unlike those offered by SOS, I had the opportunity to connect more deeply to a beloved family member. Many of us can relate to both the importance and challenges of connecting with teenage children. He had neither done a multi-day hike nor one that included vigorous physical demands such as hiking 20 miles and gaining approximately 10,000 ft. of elevation gain. After a day or so on the trail, he shared how all of the rigorous hiking had quieted his restless mind and, in his words, “got him out of his head and into his muscles.” He also observed how much he enjoyed the complete silence and peacefulness of our wilderness home for the weekend. That did not stop him from opening up and talking effusively about the profound beauty he was witnessing as we summited various peaks and took in breathtaking panoramic views. This environment demanded he be much more present and engaged and I marveled at how his confidence grew with each mile we traveled.
In Sherpa of Souls parlance, I was watching his “Outside In” transformation, thanks to a renewed connection to nature and himself. Said more simply, his time in nature helped turn insecurity and self-consciousness into self-assuredness and confidence, thanks to nature’s unique way of promoting mindfulness and presence with what is real. It prompted me to write this blog to share again all of the personal growth benefits that accrue to those brave souls willing to get out of their comfort zone and enjoy wilderness and backcountry travel for all it has to offer. In our experience, reconnecting with nature can have a profound impact on personal growth and well-being. Here are ten ways we’ve found that connecting to nature can contribute to your personal development:
· Stress Reduction
· Physical Health
· Creativity and Inspiration
· Resilience and Adaptability
· Connection to Something Bigger
· Enhanced Problem-Solving
· Emotional Well-Being
· Promotes Mindfulness
· Social Interaction due to Shared Experiences
· Environmental Awareness
Ultimately, the most meaningful connections are those that contribute positively to your well-being, personal growth, and overall happiness. If you are interested in fostering a deeper connection to nature, consider spending more regular time outdoors, engaging in activities like hiking or simply taking walks in natural settings. Get out there and self-care! To learn more about the scientific research that supports the health benefits of spending time in nature click here.